Discover candidates whose skills match their resume through experience-based skills testing.

Evaluate The Alignment Of Specific Skills With Practical Experience To Ensure The Selection Of The Most Qualified And Unbiased Candidates. Identify The Essential Skills That Should Align With The Desired Position For A Seamless Hiring Process.

  • Fully customizable.
  • Scientifically-Proven. 

Our Clients

Say Goodbye to Traditional Guesswork with Velents

Traditional Recruitment Falls Short In Accurately Identifying The Right Skills For The Job. Our AI-Powered Platform Utilizes Advanced Techniques Like Big Data Analysis And Machine Learning To Align Skills With Relevant Experiences.

Elevate Your Hiring Process With Velents And Make Informed Decisions.

Eliminate Bias and Find the Right Fit with AI-Powered Evaluation.

With AI, Candidates Are Assessed Based On Relevant Criteria And Required Skills, Removing Unnecessary Factors That Can Introduce Job Bias. Our Objective Evaluation Process Relies On Clear Data, Ensuring Fairness And Accuracy In Candidate Selection.

The most effective hiring solutions (Harvard Business Review).

Recent Harvard Business Review findings suggest HR may be lagging behind in crucial hiring practice updates. Surprisingly, the data shows that job experience has the lowest correlation with job performance, while multi-measure tests exhibit the highest correlation.

Get Role-Based Skill Assessments

With Velents Assessments’ Bank And Experience:

  • Defined Criteria for Evaluation.
  • Accuracy and Objectivity Guaranteed.
  • Multi-dimensional assessments covering technical, practical, and communication skills.

Get Accurate Assessments For 18+ Job Titles, 900+ Skills, And 60+ Technologies.

  • Free Plan
  • No credit card required