Cardiothoracic Surgeon

Cardiothoracic Surgeon

Cardiothoracic Surgeon Job Description Cardiothoracic Surgeon is a specialized surgical subspecialty often (but not always) related to cardiology (heart) and thoracic surgery (chest, lungs, esophagus, trachea, and diaphragm). Cardiothoracic surgery is a medical specialty that mostly deals with the surgical reconstruction and treatment of diseases of the chest, heart, and lungs. The surgery may cure,…

Cardiovascular Surgeon

Cardiovascular Surgeon

Cardiovascular Surgeon Job Description A cardiovascular surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in surgery of the heart, blood vessels, or esophagus. These surgeons generally perform corrective heart surgery, surgery of the esophagus, and coronary artery bypass surgery. A cardiovascular surgeon is a medical doctor who has completed four years of medical school and five…

Care Coordinator

Care Coordinator

Care Coordinator Job Description Care coordinators are professionals who work with patients, caregivers, and family members. These professionals may be involved in long-term illnesses, chronic conditions, or disabilities. They may help patients and their families understand diagnoses, treatment options, and disease progression. Care coordinators also may help coordinate home care services, coordinate transportation and in-home…

Care Provider

Care Provider

Care Provider Job Description A care provider is a person that is responsible for providing care for an individual. This includes nursing services, custodial services, personal care, home care, and home health. A care provider is a healthcare professional that provides care for an individual. Care providers include: NursesHome health aidesPersonal care aidesCustodial workersCare providers…



Carer Job Description A carer is the individual that provides care to another individual. An individual that cares for someone else is called a carers. A carer may be a friend, family member, or paid caregiver. People that volunteer to be carers in nursing homes are called home carers. A carer may also be referred…

Case Manager

Case Manager

Case Manager Job Description A Case Manager, or Clinical Case Manager, is a healthcare professional trained to coordinate healthcare and care for patients. Case Managers work with patients and their families to set goals, develop and manage their care plan, and advocate for their needs. Case managers job description template includes a detailed overview of…



Cardiologist Job Description A cardiologist is a type of doctor who treats patients who have heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease and heart rhythm problems. A cardiologist is a medical doctor whose specialty is the heart. Cardiologists have bachelor’s and master’s degrees, as well as four years of residency training. A cardiologist works primarily…

Cancer Registrar

Cancer Registrar

Cancer Registrar Job Description A cancer registrar is a medical professional who records data about cancer patients. Cancer registrars typically work for hospitals, cancer organizations, and diagnostic laboratories. They typically work in cancer units, which provide care for patients with cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma. Cancer registrars typically work in individual or small groups….

Bereavement Counselor

Bereavement Counselor

Bereavement Counselor Job Description A bereavement counselor is a type of professional who specializes in helping people who are grieving. Bereavement counselors work with clients either one-on-one or in a group setting. Some bereavement counselors have training in grief counseling and bereavement management, while others demonstrate expertise working with people who have experienced loss. Bereavement…

Biomedical Technician

Biomedical Technician

Biomedical Technician Job Description A biomedical technician or health technician is someone with a master’s degree in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field who has gained specialty knowledge in the health-related fields related to biology and medicine. Biomedical technicians commonly work in clinical, research, or industrial environments, though they may work in retail…