Care Manager

Care Manager

Care Manager Job Description A care manager is a health care professional who assists patients with health, social, long-term care, and housing needs. Care managers liaise between families, patients, health care facilities, and government agencies. They develop individualized care plans for their clients and serve as advocates for the patients and families. Care managers may…

Camp Leader

Camp Leader

Camp Leader Job Description The camp leader is the person in charge of all activities of a summer camp. A camp leader is the person who is in overall charge of the camp. The camp leader acts as the camp director, the counselor, and the writer. The camp leader decides what the theme of the…

Activities Assistant

Activities Assistant

Activities Assistant Job Description An activities assistant performs a variety of tasks, such as helping guests check in, directing them to attractions, and keeping the property clean. Activity assistants also take guests out on tours of the area, such as visits to historical landmarks. In addition to aiding in guest activities, an activity assistant may…