Recruitment Assistant

Recruitment Assistant

Recruitment Assistant Job Description A recruitment assistant is a role that fosters an employer’s company missions and values. They are an important part of the recruiting and hiring process. With the recruiting assistant, the majority of their efforts are spent highlighting their employer’s culture and company mission. They represent the brand, the company, and exemplify…

Recruitment Consultant

Recruitment Consultant

Recruitment Consultant Job Description A recruitment consultant is an expert who assists companies in finding personnel. A recruitment consultant is hired by a company looking to fill a vacant position. They typically work with the company to help them find qualified applicants. The recruitment process consists of the following steps:1) The recruitment consultant does an…

Personnel Administrator

Personnel Administrator

Personnel Administrator Job Description A personnel administrator is responsible for overseeing the recruitment, selection, and termination processes for a company’s employees. Personnel administrators ensure the hiring process is fair, that employees are qualified for the jobs they are hired to do, and that employees are not discriminated against based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race,…

Personnel Security Specialist

Personnel Security Specialist

Personnel Security Specialist Job Description A personnel security specialist is a professional who is a subject matter expert who designs, develops, and manages physical and electronic security programs. A personnel security specialist is usually a subject matter expert who designs, develops, and manages physical and electronic security programs. The security specialist employs knowledge of security…

Payroll Assistant

Payroll Assistant

Payroll Assistant Job Description A payroll assistant is someone who is employed at a company and responsible for processing the company’s payroll. Payroll assistants are typically responsible for checking and verifying all payroll information to ensure that it is accurate and correct. They may also step in and handle payroll when an employee is absent….

Onboarding Specialist

Onboarding Specialist

Onboarding Specialist Job Description An on-boarding specialist is a person hired to help new employees adjust to their new work environment after their first day of work. An on-boarding specialist is often assigned to new employees who will have access to sensitive or confidential information. An on-boarding specialist is responsible for teaching the new employee…

Management Trainee

Management Trainee

Management Trainee Job Description A management trainee is a person who has completed training and is working towards a full-time position in a company, or to start their own business. Management trainees typically start in a lower level position than a manager and make small steps toward a promotion, such as taking on more responsibility,…

Junior Recruiter

Junior Recruiter

Junior Recruiter Job Description A junior recruiter is someone who has been graduated from college and is either actively searching for their first job or recently graduated from college. A junior recruiter may be a great opportunity for someone looking to break into the recruiting field. Junior recruiters tend to be energetic and have a…

Internal Recruiter

Internal Recruiter

Internal Recruiter Job Description Internal recruiters are employees of a company that make the job of recruiting new employees easier by searching for qualified candidates to fill open positions within the company. Internal recruiters typically have special training that allows them to maintain confidentiality when admitting candidates to an interview or evaluating candidates’ qualifications. An…

Human Resource Director

Human Resource Director

Human Resource Director Job Description The human resource director (HR director) is in charge of human resources within an organization. They oversee human resources policies, human resources practices, and human resources administration. The HR director reports to a company’s chief executive officer and is responsible for keeping existing employees motivated and satisfied, recruiting and retaining…