ETL Developer

ETL Developer

ETL Developer Job Description ETL – Extract, Transform, Load, is a data integration process. The three “T”s represent each phase of the ETL process. Extract: In the extract phase, data is moved from one source system to another. Transform: Transforming data means applying rules to it. For example, you may want to create additional columns…

Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect Job Description An enterprise architect is an architect that designs and implements enterprise architectures. An enterprise architecture (EA) is an integrated set of concepts, principles, and methods that are used to describe, analyze, design, and manage enterprise systems. A central concept, the architectural pattern, is the EA’s backbone. An enterprise architect may implement…

ERP Consultant

ERP Consultant

ERP Consultant Job Description An ERP consultant is a type of consulting professional that assists clients with the implementation or management of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. An ERP consultant typically specializes in a particular ERP system. An ERP consultant is hired by organizations to help companies transition their existing business processes and systems…

ERP Specialist

ERP Specialist

ERP Specialist Job Description An ERP specialist provides technical expertise, analysis, training, and implementation services related to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. An ERP specialist helps businesses implement and manage ERP software. This specialist is responsible for providing technical assistance, both strategic and tactical, to companies in the process of implementing ERP software. The responsibilities…

Embedded Developer

Embedded Developer

Embedded Developer Job Description An embedded developer is a software developer and programmer that writes code for a specific embedded device. Some examples of devices include smartphones, smart televisions, personal media players, and digital cameras. An embedded developer is responsible for writing application code that will control the device. An embedded developer can also write…

Embedded Software Engineer

Embedded Software Engineer

Embedded Software Engineer Job Description An embedded software engineer is a person who designs, develops, and tests software for a specific application. Most embedded engineers are hired by companies to design and develop hardware for their products, though they can also design software, firmware, and computer control systems. Embedded engineers work closely with other engineers…

Ember.js Developer

Ember.js Developer

Ember.js Developer Job Description Ember.js is a JavaScript framework created by Yehuda Katz and Bobby of the Ember.js team, Inc. Ember.js is an MVC Javascript framework, focuses on building web applications using model–view–controller (MVC) architecture. Ember.js framework is used to build web application (including desktop, mobile, and enterprise apps), web services, and single-page applications (SPA)….

EDI Analyst

EDI Analyst

EDI Analyst Job Description An EDI analyst is someone who evaluates the compatibility of a system’s EDI software with an organization’s existing software and data. An EDI analyst analyzes a company’s internal processes and software in order to assist the organization in the implementation of EDI. They work with business managers and IT departments to…

E-Commerce Business Analyst

E-Commerce Business Analyst

E-Commerce Business Analyst Job Description An E-Commerce Business Analyst requires a broad knowledge of many different aspects of business. This includes both digital and traditional business elements, including marketing, sales, and operations. An E-Commerce Business Analyst will need to be able to analyze business models, processes, and systems in order to maximize efficiencies, improve customer…

Digital Project Manager

Digital Project Manager

Digital Project Manager Job Description Digital Project Manager (or Digital Project Manager) is a person, usually using the services of a project management software, responsible for managing one or more projects in the digital space. A digital project manager must be familiar with a wide range of platforms, a variety of design and coding techniques,…